Thursday 25 January 2007


Good Morning,

This is the first ever blog post from Peter Owen Publishers. Our setting up of a new blog co-oincides with a new website design finally replacing one that, if it existed on a physical plane, would be likened to a malicious easyjet-orange labyrinth. It was as wide as it was long and gave up information, not always correct, seemingly at random. Our new one is much nicer. It's pink.

The aims of this blog are manyfold: To provide information, establish a dialogue with a burgeoning literary web community, the occasional necessary venting, to plug our books mercilessly but ALWAYS genuinely, and, of course, for attention . . .

It's a place to come and spend a couple of moments reading if you like any of our books or authors and want further info, are interested in anything forthcoming, or would just like an idea of the everyday goings on of 'The last of the highbrow publishers' (Daily Telegraph, not us).

My name is Kit Maude, Sales and Marketing Coordinator. This is a self given title, a step up, I felt, from 'The Boy'. If you'd like any further info please get in touch.


dovegreyreader said...

How about that, am I in with the first comment? Welcome to the world of blogdom and also grateful to find another interesting publisher's website that I hadn't heard about, news travels awful slow down west.

PeterOwenPublishers said...

Down West? Are you anywhere near Totnes, Devon?

Martin said...

Welcome ... I'm intrigued to see how you give your blog an independent spin. Is it to be all about Peter Owen? Could be grand even so ... oneof the more intriguing lists, the UK's best answer to City Lights and Black Sparrow. Good luck.

dovegreyreader said...

Yes just across the moor near Tavistock and Totnes is one of our favourite haunts.