Tuesday 3 July 2007

Big night tonight!

The Kavan event is sold out tonight. All very exciting.
For those who can't make it we'll try and put some kind of recording (that's all a 'podcast' is you know) up on the website. There was also a review in the Guardian on Saturday.

On a sadder note this will be the last post from this Peter Owen blogger who's moving on. Bring on the replacement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done with having got the Peter Owen blog on its feet and then up and running so successfully -- nice work Kit.

And good luck in your pastures new -- you'll be grand!

I do hope that, when you leave, someone takes over your blogging role here -- it is a vital part of making sure a new generation of readers get to know about some of the great books you have published in the past and continue to publish today.