Friday 26 January 2007


Long day today. We've left updating our ISBNs until the very last possible minute. Also making a new catalogue, which means finding a pithy description of each on of our books in print for the back list - harder than one might think. Nothing that a nice cold beer won't fix . . .


Anonymous said...

So, Kit, whats this 10 o'clock. The rest of us have left the house.

PeterOwenPublishers said...

The dastardly dictator from Garcia-Marquez's Autumn of a Patriarch kept the walls of his palace toilets religously whitewashed in knowledge that people would keep writing anonymous comments and thus give him an idea of the state of mind of his subjects and any plots/scandals that might be going around.
Not being dastardly dictators we're left bemused by anonymous comments, although seƱor/a anon was right in pointing out that we are not, indeed on standard pacific time but are of course stubborn Greenwich Meaners. This had now been changed.