Monday, 26 March 2007

Probably a little big for the tube

and certainly your pocket is Alfred Douglas: A Poet's Life and Finest Work - an entire year later than advertised. No-one's fault (except perhaps an over optimistic sales crew , ahem) just if you want something done properly . . . etc. But it's in now and your first chance to see the book and meet the author (A man who signs himself 'Believe me, yours truly) will be on the 29th March at the Phoenix Arts Club from seven O'clock or so.

so five P.O.P. books to read on the tube:

Gold, - to make you laugh

Year of the Hare - also with the laughter - it's good for you

Lady and the Little Fox Fur, to make you laugh nervously dwindling into a rictus and eventually a little cry

The Ice Palace - to make you cry

The Journey to the East - Because if I see another person reading Paulo Coelho I'm going to . . .

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